Monday, August 01, 2005

It is such a pity that the rule here forbids the downloading of YIM. I really missed it. 8( When it was available, I would multi-task, work cum chat. I am not a good conversationist so speaking on the phone is definitely not my forte. So I really dread when I have to call someone. And it is even more dreadful to try and have a good time yakking on the phone when you have a throbbing headache on a Monday morning. Because I would definitely irritate the other party with my monosyllabic responses like ok, no, yes...and silence.

I guess this is what you call a hangover. I didn't intoxicate myself. I don't really know how it feels like to have a hangover but maybe this is how it is - a heavy head with eyes that could barely open and a mind that is drifting aimless, God knows to where. Even though the weekend was just over, I still feel tired. Maybe I enjoyed myself too much during the weekend. When I used to work on Saturday, the weekend was only 1 1/2 days...before you knew it, it was Monday again and not much could be done during that short weekend. Now, even with 2 full days of weekends, it is still not enough. This is why humans are so difficult to satisfy - moi inclusive.

I am making myself bored writing all this stuffs and this headache is killing me! I am over the Syiok Sendiri phase. This song is getting on my nerves. I'm getting rid of it once I get rid of this splitting headache. Maybe I'll try a remedy which work most of the time for me at least - blog hopping. See you at your blogs! 8)

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