Tuesday, September 06, 2005

The 999-Legged Worm

I guess it is time for me to come out of my cave...after being locked inside for a week. I had so many things to write actually...about the 999-legged worm, about Katrina, about friends, about about about....so many. But I can only plan, hope and wish. Unfortunately, in my to-do lists last week, my blog was given the least priority. But today, it is almost top on my list.

About the 999- legged worm.... Mothers out there, I am sure some of you know this song about the caterpillar that lost its leg and was hopping aroud on his 999 legs. Last Friday, one of my daughters came home and sang a new song that her teacher just taught. So after dinner, she was singing this song over and over again about the 999-legged worm that was looking for its lost leg. And my eldest daughter, who is 8, was also singing along. The song has a very catchy tune so I ,too, was humming together with them.

Then, my eldest daughter stopped and asked,"Why is the worm hoping around?". My younger daughter answered,"Because it lost its leg." Then the sister with a very puzzled look said,"I know. But it has 999 legs so why should it hop around. If it had 2, then it would be hopping around." At the point of conversation, I had stopped humming and wondered - WHY didn't I think of that??

She looked at me and asked,"Mak, why is the worm hoping when it has 999 legs?" "Hmmm, I don't know. Anyway, it is just a song." I said. "But it doesn't make sense, it has 999 legs." Then, her sister intercepted,"It broke one of its legs and it was bleeding. So it was in pain. That's why it is hoping on its 999 legs!" It seems that the sister was satisfied with the answer for the time being and they continued singing the song. Well, that's kids and their imagination...can make sense out of anything. 8)

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