Friday, November 18, 2005

You mean it's Over?

It is Not, isn't it? Raya is not OVER right? Puasa satu bulan....Raya pun mesti satu bulan! Anyway, I have lost track of time. Is it the third week of Syawal already? It seemed like just yesterday that we went for Solat Hari Raya at Masjid An-Nur. Anyway, it's not too late to STILL be in my raya clothes. Today, I am wearing a bright orange Kebarung. Ok, so some motorists were blinded this morning when I crossed the road. They thought the amber light was moving!

On another note, I still miss Ramadhan because it is the month where I have the most discipline. Come Raya, I tend to forget many things. That is what happen when you are too happy or celebrating too much. We get distracted from many things. Kak Sop was telling me this morning that she found it more difficult to puasa after Ramadhan. "Banyak Dugaan", she said. I remembered the past Ramadhan, the weather was always cool and the sky downcast and once Ramadhan was over, the weather becomes scorching hot again. Such a Barakah month, Ramadhan. As you can see, I have nothing to write actually. I am just writing for the sake of writing something. Get it? No get it, never mind.

Anyway, Today is also the last day of school. Holiday has begun and tomorrow, we are going off for another holiday. So this blog will once a again be quiet for more than a week. 8) I doubt I'll have access to the net next week. In the meantime, have a great weekend and a wonderful school, do I see some mummies out there who's already pulling hairs because it IS already the SCHOOL HOLIDAYS which means rumah tonggang-langgang? Take care ok? I'll send you a kiss from over sea....tak jauh, seberang tambak aje. 8)


Xo Xo...Sweet Success! said...

hope you have fun on your vacation! :o)

peacehaslina said...

hugx hugx...enjoy ur holidays..inshaAllah satu hari ketemu jua..

simplyizzanworld said...

SELAMAT HARI RAYA!!! aiikk baru abis raya dah nak pi cuti eh syiook nyaaaaaaaaaaa

Aliyah said...

wahhh!! pi holiday....i is so the jeles u know. still struggling with my raya rounds! *sob sob*

MyPeriukBelanga - Is BACK!! said...

Oliday ek? Syabbas...aku jgak yang kena dok umah...*uwaaaa...*

Aryna said...

Halo BQ!!! I'm back!!