Monday, January 23, 2006

Just A Little Appreciation

One of the reasons I enjoy blogging and bloghopping - not so much to find out what is happening in other people's lives but rather, how these special individuals think and the differing perspective that they may take for certain things that happen in their lives. It is enriching to me - to be able to take away some of priceless life lessons without actually experiencing it first hand.

Among the blogs that I visited, some left me with a very warm feeling, like I am reading something that I feel too. Even without meeting the person, it is as if we have met and known each other for the longest time. That is the beauty of the web world. It gives you the opportunity to “feel” connected even without “knowing” the person. And among these webs of blogs written by fellow bloggers in Singapore or overseas, I sometimes find quotes, words, expressions that a dear friend would refer to as "light bulb moments". They set me into thinking mode, into self reflecting, into self evaluating.

I believe it is Divine's intervention that I “stumbled” into some of these blogs - to remind me, to teach me, to re-educate me. And the comments made on my humble blog by all my dear friends never failed to teach me, remind me or show me different perspectives. It is refreshing indeed.

Sometimes, I forget that this - this blog does not belong to me. I am a merely borrowing the space to put my thoughts into words, to document how I see things in the present. My thoughts may or will change one day. I never know. People change. When I read my archive, I see many changes – the way I write, the way I think, the words I choose. It may sound strange to some but I do read my archive once in a while – and try to remember what triggered those entries.

It is, on the whole, a humbling experience. It is to me, seriously. It is amazing the things that you learn from others just, just by reading their blogs. It is a wonderful learning journey.


pinkiecutepie said...

i love reading your blog. thanks for being a dear friend.

Lynnette said...

i'm feeling the way you are feeling now.. take care

Anonymous said...

yours is one of the blog that i frequent.. - hey,btw,we meet thru blogging world too, rite? ;)