Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Children vis-à-vis Money

Ever since it was highlighted that Singaporeans will eventually become extinct unless we reproduce ourselves, babies have become THE hot topic of this nation. And when everyone else (except for some of my friends), is still not keen on reproducing, here I am - expecting my fifth child.

I have had people giving me stares that seemed to say, “This woman must be CRAZY!” – Well, perhaps it is just the imagination of a pregnant woman, whose hormones are raging. But, seriously, I do get such stares.

There are others who gawk at me with admiration – as if, I am so brave to even have another child since I already have 4, in expensive Singapore. (I am sure if I am living in another country, I would not be receiving such reactions). They would ask me endless questions of how I manage with all these children and how I find the moolah to finance them. To them, it is considered irresponsible to bring a child into the world without proper financial planning.

And it is usually at this point that I get irritated. I even feel a little offended. I am a thirty-something mother of 4 and their questions make me feel like I do nothing but make babies. As a Muslim, I have a different set of values – different from most of those who ask these questions. It is difficult to make them understand why I see things differently.

It is not that I don’t give a shit about money. Money has become a necessity in Singapore because it is very expensive to live here. But, I don’t allow money to rule over the decisions that I make in my life.

There are some people who think that having children is a financial burden. They see children as the source of financial stress. With all the stress in mind, they decide against having children. I wonder whether they have ever thought that IF their parents were to think like them, they wouldn’t have been born.

I don’t see having children as a financial burden. They are neither my burden nor my stressor. In fact, they lighten my loads for me. And having them does not cause me to lose money. My money does not get lesser. In fact, Allah gave me more with every addition, Alhamdullilah. They are not liabilities (as some Singaporeans put it in their comments to the local newspapers). They do not drain my assets away. And they do not make me less rich.

In fact, I believe and strongly believe – that Allah has made me richer by giving me more children. I am richer with love, I am richer with knowledge and I am richer with experience. No decent or indecent amount of money can make me feel this rich.

I don’t believe in straining myself thinking over the future of my family and my children because I have faith that Allah is the only one that can take care and protect us, and not the amount of money I have in bank. Call me the idealistic individual (so, definitely not pragmatic) but I don’t see how having children has anything to do with money. To me, it is just about faith.


Anonymous said...

Hi, its me...Mona. How shld i address u?...Anyway, i salute u for having the courage to have your fifth child. I'm not sure whether u are a working mom...but if u are, i believe u are a supermom. Yes, i agree that every child is a blessing and theres nothing wrong with that. In fact, i wanted to have a third child myself but due to certain constraint like time factor (not so much abt money), and support, i have to shelve that idea...for now.I felt bad enough that i couldnt spend time with my boys...guilty i should say. Not so much abt inconvenience. But i really salute to those moms who have more than 2 kids. It really need a lot of not feel bad juz becoz people give u that stare...the most important thing is that u are happy. :)

Anonymous said...

my darling senah, you forgot to add one more remark of onlookers - "i'm sure she's trying for a boy." or in my case, it would be, "i'm sure she's trying for a girl." *snigger* know what i mean?

well, i don't think you're out of your mind for having your 5th. i honestly believe that you are one helluva strong woman and that's why you have allaah's gift. =)

Yara said...

I totally agree with you on this issue BQ. Like you, I realise that having 4 children have not made me any poorer. I also feel enriched by their presence in the same way that you do. I guess those people who passed those unwarranted remarks just do not understand the greatness of Allah swt. Some of them tend to waste away their life trying to make money from the break of dawn till dusk and when they have all the money some of them don’t even have a chance to spend it as the rigours of their pursuit take its toll on them.

Blur Queen aka BQ said...

Hi Mona. You can call me BQ for short. and yes, I am a working mom - have been working more slightly more than a decade. Like you, there was a time when I was constantly feeling guilty for leaving the children behind but I realised that I was not doing anyone (including myself) any good. Then, I decided to go on no-pay leave for more than 6 months (with intention of leaving the workforce). That was when I realised that staying at home did not make me a better mom than when I was working. So I prayed that Allah make the choice easier for me - work or stay home. To make the story short, I went back to work and I have learnt to accept that, for the time being, working IS the better alternative for me. And Alhamdullilah, things on the homefront and at work has been working really well.

Blur Queen aka BQ said...

Your Truly - Ah, don't remind me. I can write another entry about it. Urgh!

Yara - Yes. Their perspective of life is totally different.

Anonymous said...

True enough, money don't really rule our decisions. Just like we don't want our kids to be showered by money.
At the moment I'm still trying to figure it the 'Not enough babies' campaign or not enough 'Singapore citizens' campaign??

Blur Queen aka BQ said...

Su - Seriously, I also dunno what the policy makers are thinking. If they want more babies, I think there are more that could be done like totally free education for all citizens up to tertiary level or even allow all medical expenses to be paid by Medisave (this is our money what). But they don't want to do that. Instead they want to take short cut and encourage immigration.

Asha said...

*stands up, applauds* Haha

Really, that's very much how ppl see me when i mention about having babies. Coming from an average income family.. even my other cousins are sooo against the idea of me getting pregnant again. Sheesh. As if I asked them for help. I've never thought about money at all, (albeit important in everyway in sg) like you said.. it's about the faith and not just giving birth for the sake of "it".

Good one BQ.

Blur Queen aka BQ said...

The woman - Thank you for the standing ovation. hehe.

Alex - hello!