Friday, September 22, 2006

Why Am I still Here…

This entry is about my work. I don’t usually write about it. Not that no uneventful things have happened while at work – a couple of years ago, we did have some sort of a psychological coup in this very office that I am in (peaceful and definitely, not bloody). I don't usually write about work because work is generally a boring topic to write about.

Besides, I don’t think anyone is keen to know about my work or how boring my office can be. But, I thought this is worth sharing. I mean who knows there may be someone out there who shares the same sentiment as I do about work.

For those who may not know, I have been working for the past 12 years – actively working for 10 years, the other 2 years (an accummulation of several months over the years) were spent on looking after children. I know that I enjoy doing what I am doing now. I get to learn new stuffs every 3 months. I get to plan my own work schedule. I don’t need to travel, no over time so I get to be home early. Basically, work has been a breeze.

Nonetheless, dealing with people at work is a different ball game altogether. If I were to take people out of the work equation, it is literally stress free. But, put people-factor in – even the simplest job can be stressful. So when I complain about work, it is actually more about being frustrated with people. And, unfortunately, I do this quite often.

As much as I try to restrain myself, I do end up complaining about people who I work with - they are people who pretend to be smart but are not smart (stupid is too harsh and I am a very nice person as I’d rather not call anyone stupid; no matter how tempting it is), those who take credit for the good work of others, those who constantly think they are right and others are wrong, those who think that others, like me are idiots and they are the most intelligent people in the whole organisation and last but not least, those who think that they are army generals and treat others like servants.

There, I am sure you have also met these kinds of people in the office. It is not uncommon. And because of these people, sometimes, I do feel like throwing in the towel and call it quits. But I am no quitter.

However, a recent question posed by a close friend made me think twice about complaining or even calling it quits. She asked why I was still here – in this office, working. She said I should have moved on to some place better where people recognised my talents (err…I do have talent, you know.). I was quite stunned by her very direct question. No one asked me why I am still here after 8 years doing the same job (well, almost the same).

That question put me on thinking mode for quite some time. I am still here not because I am loyal to some people. I am still here not because of the pay – it is quite pathetic really, if you were to compare with what the market is paying. And with the constant frustration and irritation that I experienced with people here, I did not stay because of them. Then, what is it?

I realised that I am still here because even though, the people here caused me to pull hairs every now and then, they never disturb my family life. Although the pay is lower compared to what I may get else where, I get to spend good time with my family. Even though, my talents are not recognised, I get a lot of time for personal development. And, I am never called back during my leave or public holidays to do work in the office. If my children are sick, I can just take the day off. I can pray in my office – no one would frown. I can pump my milk in the office – no one would protest. The best of all, I am never asked to compromise my religion or family because of work.

So that one simple question is an eye opener for me. I realise that there is more good to my work than I had thought. My mind was so clouded by negativities that I did not even see the other better side of my work. Now, I appreciate the work that I have and even the people that I work with (no matter, how irritating they are). So I am making a U-turn by saying that I am indeed glad I am still here. Alhamdullilah. And, if you find that you are miserable at work or in anykind of situation, do take stock on what is holding you back - making you stay put. You may be surprised to discover that things may not be as bleak as it seemed. 8)

Have a great weekend and Ramadan Mubarak!


Anonymous said...

Asalammualaikum WB

yeah, agree with wat you say. Someetimes, we think about all the negatives about our current situation but if we think deeper, it's the opposite.

have been in this org for 16 years, colleagues are so-so, a few are ppl whom I respect, work is manageable, environment is Ok but the best is the Boss and his right/left hand man are credible ppl.

Yeah, the pay is peanuts compared what I could have earned in the pte sector, but hey, if i need to take urgent leave, just sms, time is give to attend course and also time-off for errands.

Bottomline, be thankful that we have a job :).

Anonymous said...

salaam darling,

this post of yours somehow has managed to coax my little merajuk-ness. like you said, everything happens for a GOOD reason and we believe allaah always gives us what we NEED and not what we WANT.

ramadhan mubarak to you too, my dear friend. =)

Anonymous said...

Despite the bit on the aksyen bagus punya colleague...I think you had just made me miss working life :,(

Anonymous said...

Ramadhan Mubarak to you too BQ.

spidey said...

i like wat u wrote. sometimes we can't see the beauty of life. we only like to complain and demand for more. but when will it be enough?

when u redha, u happy. happiness is success.

Ramadan Mubarak to u & family!

Blur Queen aka BQ said...

Saly - Waalaikumsalam. Thanks for dropping by. 8)

Yours Truly - Hope your merajuk-ness is now gone. It IS very tiring to merajuk...heh

Su47 - Awww, did I? Sometimes, I wish that I am at home...haha. Humans are very complex being, aren't we?

Spidey - I used to be a complain queen. Only to discover that I am not even happier complaining so I stop. It is so much easier to accept our current situation and think of the good aspects of it. 8)

Yara said...

When I first started working in this company, it was out of sheer desperation because I had completed my contract period with the previous employer and was looking at unemployment straight in the eyes. I am glad that this job came along with Allah’s blessing and since then,. I have always held a positive view of the job I am doing. I ignore the comments made by some people about commensuration, untapped talent, wasted opportunities, etc because I like what I do and best of all I get to perform my afternoon prayers without problems. Allah has given me this opportunity and I shall repay it back by fulfilling my religious duties.

Blur Queen aka BQ said...

Yara - It's great to hold positive views about our jobs, otherwise, it would be very miserable going to work doing things that you don't like. 8)

madame blossom said...


I've asked myself the same question before. But everywhere is the same - office politics and these different types of ppl exists. so may as well stay.

I think if i ever quit, it'll be only to start my own biz or just stay home.. but not change job. no point.. especially at my age now.

So yes, alhamdulillah for what we have now.