Thursday, September 14, 2006

Be Careful What You Wish For

Over the years, I have become very cautious about what I wish for because I am afraid that what I wish may not be actually good for me, eventually. As a result, I have resorted making open ended supplications and let Allah choose for me – if what I want if good for me, Allah will make it easier for me to get and if it is not good for me, Allah will prevent me from getting.

Looking back, it started after the delivery of my firstborn in 1997 when I wished not to have another till I was 28. I spoke to the spouse about it, in passing and he just kept quiet. After a moment of silence, I remembered he said, “Be careful what you wish for.” I did not really understand what he meant and just brushed it aside until in 1998, at 26 – I found out I was pregnant again.

We were happy and I had forgotten about the wish that I made 1 ½ years ago. At 12 weeks of pregnancy, I started to bleed. A check with the gynae indicated that the foetus was not growing and it had very irregular heartbeat. The gynae recommended that I aborted it – but how could I, when I could still see the heart beat. She told me that even if it survived, it would have a congenital heart disease and would need a pacemaker to ensure that the heart beats regularly. I was adamant to keep it – it was my child and I could not just give up without giving it a chance.

So she agreed to give some jabs to strengthen the foetus and scheduled for an appointment in a week to see the progress. Before I left, she told me that the chance of the foetus survival looked slim. I went back home and cried my eyes out. I was given a week of MC for total bed rest – no other activity but to stay in bed.

With so much free time in hand and only a child to entertain, it was a time of reflection. The gynae had told us that the jabs would stop the bleeding but it won’t guarantee the survival of the child. So I spent a long time praying when I realised that talking to people did not provide the relief that I needed.

Then, I remembered what I had wished for previously and regretted making such a wish. Allah was granting my wish. It was a wish that was made by my own folly – a human with such limited capacity who just cannot look beyond the present.

In Dec 1998, I really wanted my child to live and I could have wished that Allah made it survive but I didn’t. Because I know, what I could see is just the narrow spectrum of my life. And I made my first open ended wish and prayed that Allah choose the better one for me because Allah is all knowing. I asked that if it was good for us as a family that the child survive then let it survive, if it is not then as the servant of God, I was willing to let it go and let Allah take it away from me. It was a difficult wish for any mother to make – to see it growing in you and ask for it to be taken. But I knew that Allah has a better plan for me.

And little did I know, my better half was also experiencing his own period of self-reflection and made the same wish - though he wanted to cradle another baby more that I did. He never shared with me how he felt for fear that it would affect me even more. He kept it to himself until when he knew that I had the strength to accept our fate – which was months later.

I realised that when you make such a wish (to leave everything in Allah’s hands), the whole burden seemed to be lifted from your shoulders because you know that you are no longer in control and that Allah would take care of the whole affair. Whatever troubles that you may face, such supplication makes you view the whole situation in a different perspective – making it easier for you to move on with your life.

On Boxing Day in 1998, we went to the gynae’s clinic for a review. A part of me knew that it had passed away even before she scanned. Both of us just knew. True enough, there was no heart beat and I went for a D&C. I vowed from that incident that I would just let Allah take care of my affairs because I knew Allah is the only one that I can rely on.

And in 2000, just a month short of my 28th birthday – I gave birth to a healthy baby, my 2nd baby girl. A year later, another one came along and in 2004, my fourth child was born. And insya’allah in Jan 2007, there will be another new addition to the family. Alhamdullilah. But I hope that I never forget the valuable lessons that Allah had taught me in 1998. The adversity that we experienced made us stronger and closer to Allah. I am thankful for that.

I have also limited my specific wishes to wishes for good health, stronger iman and Allah’s protection and guidance. I prefer to leave most of my wishes as open ended because if what I wish for is good for me, I am sure Allah will grant it but if it is not, I wish that Allah will not let me have it. After all, Allah swt is all knowing and only HE knows what is best for us.

I have some people asking me whether I wanted my fifth child to be a boy. If the person who asked is a Muslim, I would tell that it is up to Allah to decide what is good for me. And if he is not, I will just say as long as the baby is healthy – it does not matter whether it is a boy or a girl. Because I do not know what the future holds for me and from what life has taught me – I have to be careful about what I wish for. Allah does grant all our wishes, it is just us, humans who forget what we had wished for.


Yara said...

Sis, how true. It is rather a traumatic experience to lose a baby. I know because I lost 2 unborn babies back in 1991 and 1993 before my children were finally born safely in 1994, 1997, 2000 and 2004. Although neither my wife nor I had made any wishes then, we knew and accept that Allah swt had better things planned for us and Alhamdulillah all turned out well later

Anonymous said...

salaam darling,

at least you don't have to face the constant nagging of, "beranak lagi 1 lah, siapa tau nanti dapat girl. budak2 lelaki sekarang tak leh percaya, besok dah kahwin semua berkepit bawah ketiak bini."

can you hear my screams???

ファリダー said...

can emphatize with you sis. Lost my 1st child when I was 6mths preggie almost 5yrs ago. I believe Allah knows whats good for us.

Asha said...

Good lesson learnt.

Let's all ask him to strengthen our imaan, shall we? :)

Insya Allah.

madame blossom said...

:) what can i say.. it's true. (from experience too!)

Anonymous said...

good entry ! *lightbulb moment* for me .

Blur Queen aka BQ said...

To all - Thanks for the comments! 8)

Yours Truly - No, I can't hear your scream, sis. hehe. I try to avoid such people. I know it is difficult if those comments are made by people close to you like family members. In most cases, I'd just keep quiet and you know what - they would actually get tired of talking about such things if they don't get much reaction from us. In the end, they will stop. 8)

Anonymous said...

Lost my 1st one too. The sadness only sipped into me only a week afterwards. But then, Allah always does something with a reason.
And my other half says the same thing, "Be careful what you wish for".
Also constant reminder of - Think before you speak, look before you leap c{:^)

Anonymous said...

salaam BQ & Mona ... =)

thanx for the encouraging words. yeah, i used to feel the pinch whenever snide remarks like that get thrown my way. over time, i have learnt to buat bodoh sudah. macam tak de modal lain. asal nampak muka kita, balik2 topik yang sama. sometimes memang nak cakap balik je. then again, haiyah ... buang karen.

true, it's not as if it's up to us to choose the gender of our children and agree that allaah knows best. i take it as our rezeki, at least we are blessed with offsprings. alhamdulillaah. =)

zu said...

Farhati, what you said is soo true. I kept telling people that I will stop at 35, true enough He heard me and here it is, got preggy at 34 :) For us gender is secondary, what is more important is the baby's health. Recently, I have read so much about babies with health problem and it really scares me .. but I pray to Him for a healthy baby inshaAllah. Only He knows best ;)

Anonymous said...


Im happi about the baby and thanks for the wishes for me...

Anonymous said...

Forget to tell you that its Em that wished you...

Saudari Lee said...

salams dear.

it was a very good post.

i was into my early stages of pregnancy when the gynae confirmed that i was bleeding too much. hence, i lost the baby.

i was inconsolable and till now we are not granted with any child but i know Allah knows best.

thanks for the enlightening post.

Blur Queen aka BQ said...

hello dear all

Thanks for the wonderful comments. 8) I have been wanting to update this week but due to the late nights (blame it on the IMF), my brains have not been coorperative. hehe.

Anonymous said...

hi BQ! thank you so much for your encouraging words and tips, you are truly an inspiration!!

and your post reminds me to not scrunch up my face when people keep asking me when i'll have my second one, even though my little one has barely crossed his first birthday. i'll just whisper an ''insyaallah''. :)

thanks again!

Blur Queen aka BQ said...

Hana - Thanks for dropping by. 8)

Aliyah said...

hello BQ!!

sis...firstly congratulations on yr pregnancy.

WOW!! u r one supermom. this entry reminded me back then while we were both newlyweds. i wasnt ready for bigger commitment not till i've settled down and enjoy the comfort of being two - just us. so i kept telling my other not ready to have a baby. mebbe 3-4 yrs later? i kept repeating that when pple asked when im expecting my own bundle of joy. it only felt soooo miserable when one by one of my frenz or cousins got pregnant and gave birth that i felt inferior (?) we tried a few times but nothing. so i give up. tried again and later discovered i had some health problem. i was discouraged. not until i met another fellow fren who got pregnant easily but never gave birth. she had5 miscarraiges in all and was never to give up. then i remembered what i'd wish for and so i repented and prayed to HIM that i wish for at least one offspring and regretted making that remarks. i cant stand the environment im in too. it was too much for me to bear...being a childless couple then seems like a taboo. when i was finally pregnant i was adamant to keep my mouth shut and keep the news away from most people till im about to pop. i wish i could keep the pregnancy news away from that someone. heh! i wish i could write more but heh! i shall keep it to myself lah...panjang criter. :D

anyway....this is a gd entry!

Blur Queen aka BQ said...

Hello Aliyah. Long time no hear, eh? How's the little cute chubby one?

Thank you for sharing. 8)

Anonymous said...

first of all, congratulations, sis! i was juz thinking about you on my way back from work and wondering what happened to you...cos its been a super-duper long time since i visited your blog. and what do you're preggy again! masyaAllah...congrats congrats. wish i could juz give you a hug. hehehee. :)

Blur Queen aka BQ said...

Shesays, must be something good that happen at work, right? No wonder you thought of me...hehe.

ファリダー said...

salam sis,
selamat menjalani ibadah puasa & selamat menyambut ramadhan yg bakal bertandang .... ;)